
Statutory Documents

On February 21, 2018, the Union of berry producers was established in Russia (Berry Union, Certificate of state Registration of a non-profit organization No5014066778 dated March 2, 2018), which unites berry producers and other participants in the Russian berry industry.

The Berry Union is a membership-based non-profit organization that unites participants of the berry industry in Russia: producers, processors and suppliers of berries, seedlings and seedlings, suppliers of equipment, materials and services for growing, packaging and processing of berry products, scientific and educational institutions, mass media, industry associations, scientists, students and journalists specializing in the berry sector.

The objectives of the Berry Union are to unite producers and processors of berries in Russia for the development of the berry sector, increase consumer confidence in Russian berry suppliers through the widespread introduction of national quality standards.

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Statute of the Berry Union

    The Statute of the Berry Union reflects:
  • the purpose of its creation, the subject and types of activities;
  • conditions and types of membership in the Union, rights and obligations of members of the organization;
  • the procedure for managing the activities of the Union, the powers and issues of forming the Council of the Union, the powers of the Chairman of the Council and the General Director of the Union;
  • issues of documentation management and control of the Union's activities;
  • regulations on the property of the Union, etc.
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State Registration Certificate of the Berry Union

The Berry Union was registered on February 21, 2018.

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The Berry Union Membership Regulation

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Copyright ©2018 by Berry Union. All rights reserved..

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