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Join the Berry Union

The Berry Union is open to new members

Legal entities and individuals, commercial and non-profit organizations can be members of the Berry Union. Russian and foreign berry producers, berry seedlings and plant materials suppliers, berry suppliers and processors, suppliers of packaging and processing equipment, enterprises engaged in the wholesale and retail trade of berries in Russia, importers of berry products, as well as scientific and educational institutions, the media industry associations, scientists, students and journalists on an individual basis can join the Berry Union.

Membership Categories

Russian berry producers, Russian suppliers of berry seedlings and planting materials can be Full-fledged members of the Berry Union.

Berry Processors, suppliers of equipment and materials for the cultivation, packaging and processing of berry products, service providers for the berry business, enterprises engaged in the wholesale and retail trade in berries in Russia, foreign suppliers of berries, planting materials and seedlings, as well as importers of berry products can be Associated members of the Berry Union.

Membership of the Berry Union is carried out by the Berry Union Council based on the submitted application addressed to the Chairman of the Council of the Berry Union.

The enrolment and secession procedure of a member of the Berry Union is carried out in strict accordance with the Berry Union Statute and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

All members of the Union are granted with the same rights and duties, in accordance with the type of their membership, pay admission, membership and earmarked fees in accordance with the Regulations on Membership and the Charter of the Union.

Members of the Berry Union can be any legal entities and fully capable citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries who recognize its Statute and are able to contribute to the realization of the goals and objectives of the Berry Union.

Fees for Associated member:

  • The admission fee for the Associated member of the Berry Union is 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles.
  • Annual membership fee for the Associated member of the Berry Union is 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles.

How to Become a Member

If you are interested in the Berry Union membership, please complete application, questionnaire of the candidate member of the Berry Union and provide the following documents:

  • State registration certificate, an extract from the trade register, or another document confirming the registration of the organization, containing information on its name, number and date of registration, and the registration authority (on English or Russian).
  • Certificate of registration foreign organization as a taxpayer from the tax authority of the country where the company is registered with indication the taxpayer number (on English or Russian).

Please send completed application, questionnaire and requested documents by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ягодная Академия

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Москва, Россия,
Адрес для корреспонденции: 117513, г. Москва, а/я 18
