The 5th International Conference «Berries of Russia 2022»

24 - 25 February 2022 in Voronezh city (Russia) the V International Conference "Berries of Russia 2022" will be held, organized by the Berry Union and the FruitNews news agency.

Страница события на Русском

Key Features of the Conference

  • The only specialized event for the berry industry members in Russia
  • Participation of the largest berry growers and famous industry experts
  • Communication and presentation ground for new technologies, practices, innovations, as well as equipment and materials for berry growing, packing and processing
  • Possibility to discuss the key issues, problems and solutions of the Russian berry industry
  • The point of exchanging opinions among the berry growers, researchers, suppliers of plants, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment, materials, wholesale and retail traders
  • Opportunity to gain and share technical information on different aspects of berries growing, storage and processing

Conference Audience

  • Berry growers and processors
  • Suppliers of berry plants
  • Producers of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Service companies, suppliers of equipment and materials for berry growing, pecking and processing
  • Wholesale and retail enterprises
  • Research institutions and educational organizations
  • Media

Expected number of the Conference participants – 400 industry members

24 февраля


Participant registration. Exposition opening


Event opening


Round Table: “Season 2021. Results and conclusions”




Round Table "Distribution channels development for the Russian berry industry"


Seminar "Growing berries in tunnels and greenhouses"


Buffet reception

25 февраля


Participant registration. Exposition opening


Annual meeting of the Russian Berry Union members




Seminar ”Berry growing technologies“




Round Table ”Nursery plants for berry industry. Varieties selection. Local production and import procedures"


Seminar ”Niche berry crops"


Conference closing remarks

You can get more detailed information, get acquainted with the program updates, suggest an actual topic of a report or discussion for inclusion in the conference program, as well as register as a participant of the event by clicking on the button at the top of the page, by phone: +7 (495) 729-3080 or by e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..

Terms of participation

  • Participation fee - € 145 per person
  • 50% discount for the Russian Berry Union members
  • The cost of the Berry Industry Reception participation – € 80. Discounts do not apply
  • Participation in the Berry Union Annual Meeting (February 25 from 10:00 till 12:00) is free of charge for the Berry Union members
  • Free participation in all Conference sessions is provided to the Conference speakers, state and regional officials, representatives of the retail chains, research and educational institutions, students and journalists

See you soon!

Ягодная Академия

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Москва, Россия,
Адрес для корреспонденции: 117513, г. Москва, а/я 18