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The Union of Berry Producers (The Berry Union) is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION that consolidates producers and processors of berries, as well as other participants of the Russian berry industry.
The Berry Union goals:
We help to develop mutually beneficial business communication and cooperation between members of the Berry Union, organize industry events, strengthen confidence in Russian berry suppliers, work to improve the quality of Russian berry products and introduce national quality standards. We are interested in new technologies for growing, storing and processing berries. We disseminate the knowledge among the participants of events and visitors of the Berry Union website.
The Berry Union consolidates the efforts of industry players and conducts a dialogue with government agencies and services, industry associations, foreign and international organizations.
More than 60 organizations of the berry industry are members of the Berry Union.
The association includes the most active and modern berry producers, for whom it is important to develop and create together high-tech innovative berry growing industry.
Benefits of Membership
Take advantage of the membership in the Berry Union!
JOIN THE BERRY UNIONПри доставке СДЭК – указывайте адрес Пункта Выдачи, на который будет осуществляться доставка.
Собираем и распространяем информацию о технологиях выращивания, сбора урожая, упаковки, хранения и переработки ягод, состоянии отрасли и новых возможностях для ее участников
Москва, Россия,
Адрес для корреспонденции: 117513, г. Москва, а/я 18